At Tallahassee’s only classical, Christian school,
we focus not only on what children learn but who they are becoming.
In Deuteronomy 6, Moses commands God’s faithful to instruct their children in the ways of the Lord without ceasing: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk to them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” God calls Christian parents to disciple their children all day long, every day.
The average American students spend 12,350 hours in school between kindergarten and graduation. These hours matter. In an increasingly secular world, families and churches need partners who will work with them in raising up thoughtful, engaged, and equipped generations of faithful Christians.
We believe in cultivating both the mind and the soul through challenging academics and God-honoring character formation. Our sights are set on long-range aspirations which are not met in a year, or even upon graduation. Rather, we aim to steward and cultivate individuals who love, learn, and lead for the glory of God and furtherance of His kingdom throughout their lifetime.
We seek to raise up a generation with a genuine love of learning – men and women who love Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, and mind, and who are equipped to lead the pursuit of the true, good, and beautiful.
The very first step is to complete the Inquiry Form.
Once you have submitted the Inquiry Form, our Admissions Committee will schedule a personalized tour of our campus so you can learn more about our distinctives.
Following the campus tour, your student will attend a shadow day to experience Christ Classical personally. Each student will also take an admission test to determine math, reading, and writing readiness.
After your tour and your student’s shadow day, you’ll be invited to complete an application.
Once your application is submitted, you will be invited to meet with our Admissions Committee.
Parents are encouraged to read the “Classical Christian Education: The Essential Guide for Parents” pre-interview.
Applicant families will be notified of an admission decision, and families will submit completed enrollment contract.
If you’re wondering whether Christ Classical Academy might be the right school for your family, here are some good indicators that you should request information and schedule a tour:
Christ Classical Academy admits students of any race to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to all students. Christ Classical Academy practices a biblical philosophy of admissions, not discriminating on the basis of race, sex, color, or national origin in the administration of its policies, admissions, scholarships, athletics, and other school-directed programs.