kindergarten – fifth grade

Grammar School

Kindergarten - Fifth Grade

Grammar School

In the grammar school we seek to inspire wonder in students so that they desire the acquisition of knowledge.

During the Grammar phase, children are particularly adept at memorization. Young children learn songs and rhymes, and recite facts with relative ease. Because young children are so eager to memorize that they will make up non-sensical playground rhymes, we challenge them by providing substantial subject matter for them to memorize.

Each subject has its own grammar. In science, children memorize facts about nature. In math, children memorize times tables. In Latin, teachers emphasize vocabulary. Throughout each year in Grammar School, classically educated children learn the factual foundation of each subject. We use songs, chants, and rhymes to help children enjoy the learning experience.


Curriculum Goals

The educational goal at Christ Classical Academy with the Grammar School students, is to develop the building blocks for the future development in their verbal and written methods of communication. To this end, Christ Classical emphasizes language skills (reading, grammar, and spelling), handwriting, history, Bible, mathematics, and Latin and will supplement these important subjects with science, music, art, drama, and physical education.



Kindergarten aims to inspire wonder and excite a true love for learning in young minds. This is where students’ interest is kindled, and they begin to build foundations for lifelong learning. Kindergarten students learn through hands-on activities, games, and projects. Kindergarten lessons focus on developing literacy skills, math sense, and an appreciation for God’s creation.

First Grade

The first grade is an exciting time as we travel through America from the very beginning of its discovery to the Civil War. We will spend time exploring Great Works in literature and history, travel through America in geography while we learn all fifty states and capitals, learn about Who God is as we read through the Gospels, practice our reading, writing, math and science skills, as well as spend time refining our handwriting.


Second Grade

The second grade studies history from the very beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. Students spend the year learning about ancient civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Second grade students enjoy performing a Peter Rabbit play in the Fall and researching and presenting ancient Egyptian topics in the Spring.


Third Grade

The third grade explores fables, mythology, and architecture. Students spend the year progressing in writing skills, reading great literature, continuing math and science skills, exploring Ancient Greece and Rome, beginning to learn Latin, and above all, deepening their relationship with the Lord and one another. 


Fourth Grade

The fourth grade is filled with knights, castles, and the rise of the medieval church. Students spend the year exploring the Middle Ages, reading great literature, studying Latin, honing their writing, math, and science skills, and most importantly, deepening their relationships with God and one another. Activities include presenting an adaptation of Saint George and the Dragon, researching and building medieval castles, and creating a mini art gallery based upon the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Fifth Grade

Fifth grade students learn all about the Age of the Explorers. Their studies include the exploration of the Americas. Students learn about the foundation of our country as they learn about the American Revolution, perform the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, and as they research and propose monuments for deserving patriots during the Monumental Patriots project. Students in fifth grade hone their writing and speaking skills in preparation for the transition to logic school.


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Grammar students learn about God’s world by reading God’s word. The goal in every grade level is for students to understand and be able to share the truths and stories they have learned.
Literature/Language Arts
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Students cultivate a love for classical literature and poetry by reading great works that have stood the test of time. Students learn the grammar of reading and writing through the study of phonograms, (SWR), grammar and sentence structure (Shurley Grammar), and the structure and style of writing (Institute for Excellence in Writing).
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Primary sources, rather than textbooks, are used in history so that teachers can lead students ad fontes, or to the original sources of knowledge. Students learn to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions by reading primary source documents from key historical events. Students learn to draw and label the great circles, continents, and oceans on world “blob” maps in grades one through five. Each grade level focuses on one area of the world map for more intensive study.
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As classical educators, Christ Classical teachers know that Latin is one of the most important tools we have for equipping our students to learn, not just Latin, but everything. That is part of why we are committed to teaching Latin and other classical languages, not to raise test scores, but as a sine qua non of classical education. Students begin learning Latin songs and chants in third grade. Fourth and fifth grade students study Latin vocabulary and grammar through Latin for Children, Book A.
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Students in kindergarten through sixth grade learn math concepts through manipulatives and problem solving in the Purposeful Design math curriculum.
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Christ Classical Academy students practice the scientific method while discovering, observing, and documenting God’s creation in science. First and second grades study animals and plants through God’s Design for Life for Beginners; Third-Fifth grades study Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, and Botany through the Apologia Exploring Creation series.
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Christ Classical Academy offers an arts program that includes visual art and music. Expression through the arts focuses on mirroring the creativity of God. We train our students to create because they are made in the image of God who is the Creator. Our students train their eyes and ears to discern truth, beauty, and goodness wherever it may be found. We work to cultivate a love for these things.
Physical Education
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Titus Sports Academy provides a school-based public health and wellness campaign molded to train five physical qualities in speed, strength, agility, mobility/flexibility, and endurance. Titus coaches are trained to implement evidence-based fitness routines and movements to promote these qualities and cultivate a lifetime of physical activity.