The end in mind

Portrait of a Graduate

Beginning with the End in Mind

We believe in cultivating both the mind and the soul through challenging academics and God-honoring character formation. To set about this tremendous task, we begin with the end in mind. The Portrait of a Graduate is a framework of principles which help guide our curriculum selections, the hiring of faculty and staff, extracurricular activity offerings, and our approach to discipline. Our sights are set on long-range aspirations which are not met in a year, or even upon graduation. Rather, we aim to steward and cultivate individuals who love, learn, and lead for the glory of God and furtherance of His kingdom throughout their lifetime.  

Follows Christ

  • Is immersed in the love of God in thought, word, and deed
  • Has a Christ-centered motivation for their life
  • Understands what it means to have an authentic relationship with Jesus 

Loves their neighbor 

  • Is socially gracious while engaging the fallen world 
  • Dignifies and respects all people
  • Demonstrates Godly character through compassion, kindness, and empathy, while developing relationships and working alongside others 

Humbly Serves

  • Honors authority in thought, word, and deed 
  • Fully applies their God-given talents to serve others
  • Has a passion for the salvation of others

Pursues Excellence 

  • Possesses a hunger to learn that stays with them for a lifetime 
  • Develops and utilizes higher-level thinking skills that will transfer to all life experiences
  • Perseveres in difficult settings seeking reliance on the Lord for strength, wisdom, and discernment

Discerns truth & delights in beauty

  • Pursues and cherishes the True, Good, and Beautiful 
  • Discerns biblical truths as distinct from cultural influences
  • Listens carefully, reasons effectively, and articulates precisely
  • Discerns and loves beauty manifested in creation and art
  • Pursues their creative, academic, and athletic passions
  • Embodies virtue by keeping Christ preeminent in culture and community