Our Team

Board of Directors

Christ Classical Academy is a board-directed school. The Board of Directors has complete authority and accepts responsibility for all aspects of operation of Christ Classical Academy.

Duties & Responsibilites

  • Develop, enforce, review, and revise as necessary all general school governance policies;
  • Hire the Head of School and act on the recommendation of the Head of School for persons to be hired as principals and faculty;
  • Provide direction for the school in all short term and long term planning;
  • Ensure financial stability of the school consistent with the bylaws;
  • Define the role of the Board, the Head of School, administration, principals, faculty, and all Board committees.
  • Be the policy maker in the establishment of policy directives, curriculum selection, dress, and disciplinary codes.
  • Be responsible for making the final approval on hiring/dismissal of all personnel.
  • Always call Board meetings with the knowledge of the administration.
  • Deal with all employees on the basis of Matthew 5:22-24, 18:15-20, and other such passages which teach Christ-like attitudes and dealings between Christian brothers.

2024-2025 Board Members

  • Amanda Allen – Chair
  • Christin Carson
  • Nick Chason
  • Tony Cortese
  • Greg Gardner
  • Sean McGowan
  • Pamela Patton
  • Andrew Power
  • Jim Wacksman